Thursday 13 June 2013


Friday 7 June 2013

Watching For The Dawn.. snippets and teasers

"Swansea, shortly after Beltane. In a house, much like Wall’s, having four stories with an attic room overlooking the Bay and the Mumbles pier. Beside a pleasant park that struck the southern sunshine with its trunks for most of the day, and which featured a small pond much beloved of Mallards and the occasional Coot. This house boasted a large but dank cellar below ground, walled by granite as dense and as heavy as lead.."

Fuel for writing and editing


Chores done, coffee drunk. Now to get back down to work: final read-through on 2nd P.I. Wall crime novel set in and around Newport: Watching For The Dawn. Should be available as an ebook this summer.