Thursday 30 May 2013

Latest review of 'Monkey' (Selected India Poems) posted on

"John Gimblett illuminates the transient and fleeting into a tangible solidarity of senses. For a moment in time you see what the poet sees and understands of India and we learn from his affinity with the place. From his compassion for the people of India in his poems Man in Calcutta where he lets us know that this man with his twisted body will not be forgotten to Ignored Again where he highlights the dead man by the line `We gave him barely a glance, travelled on' giving recognition to him as a person in a context that was determined to give him no such recognition . He can also turn the spotlight on us, in The Stared-at where we become the object, the viewed, the different. Not all of the poems are set in India but wherever John Gimblett travels you can almost feel you have journeyed there too. You can see, smell and think his poetry."

by Atticus 1, 29/5/13